Are You Brushing Your Tongue?

Did you know that there are as much bacteria on your tongue than there are people on the planet? If you are not brushing your tongue with the same diligence that you brush your teeth every day, it’s hard to claim a clean mouth. In fact, not brushing your tongue can leave bacteria and acids…

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The Real Value of a Straight Smile

While most patients consider orthodontics a chance to fix the appearance of their crooked or gapped teeth, the benefits don’t stop there. A straight smile impacts the comfort of your bite, your speech and even the health of your mouth. At West Hill Family Dental, we proudly offer dental braces and Invisalign for adults. After…

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5 Frequently Asked Questions about TMJ Pain

Do you know someone who has complained about having “TMJ” while rubbing their temples or wincing in pain as they move their jaw? TMJ pain can be very disruptive. If you are personally experiencing jaw discomfort or limitations when opening your mouth, you may have questions about what may be going on. Here are answers…

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Let Your Dentist Help You Sleep Better

You probably think of your dentist as someone who takes care of your teeth and gums. While this is certainly true, your oral structures and habits can also influence some of the major actions of your body – such as your sleep. In fact, those who suffer from sleep apnea may find the best help…

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The Magic of Saliva

Your saliva, commonly referred to as “spit,” does more than you think. The average person produces over 25,000 liters of saliva over the course of a lifetime, which is enough to fill two swimming pools. The abundance of saliva production, however, is not what is most fascinating and even magical about this oral liquid. Saliva…

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Fun Dental Facts Worth Sharing

Dentistry doesn’t always have to be serious or boring. When it comes to your teeth, there is a lot to smile about. Our patients love learning these interesting facts about their dental health – some may make you laugh, some may gross you out, and others may completely surprise you! Did You Know This About…

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Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

Your teeth are made of the strongest substance in the human body. However, while they are certainly strong and hard on the outside, they also contain a nerve chamber on the inside that is soft and vulnerable. If the outer enamel layer of a tooth is compromised in any way, the nerves can be affected…

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The Truth About Root Canal Therapy

If you have been told you need a root canal, you are probably desperate for relief. The pain that is associated with an infected tooth can be quite disruptive and even debilitating for some. Still, the thought of having a root canal can send many patients into a state of fear or anxiety. Knowing the…

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Invisalign Vs. Braces: The Difference is Clear

Gone are the days when fixing crooked teeth meant wearing bulky metal braces. Modern orthodontics now offers alternative options that are much more preferred and tolerated by patients. Invisalign continues to gain popularity as a discreet, convenient and effective orthodontic treatment option for both teens and adults. Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign offers benefits that…

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3 Ways Dental Implants Can Maximize Your Investment

Restorative dentistry, or replacing missing teeth, is one of the most life-changing fields of dentistry. However, it can also be one of the costliest. Whether you are spending money on a car, house or new teeth, it is important to make a purchase that will maximize your investment and give you the most long-term return….

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